Can you walk to the Closest In-N-Out Burger from Mandalay Bay?
Yes you can. Especially if you take the free Las Vegas tram from the Mandalay Bay to the Excalibur, in which case, it’s only a 6/10 mile walk, or about 15 minutes walk time.
Although the franchise at the Linq Promenade is the closest In-N-Out Burger to the Las Vegas Strip. The In-N-Out Burger on Dean Martin Drive is the closest one to Mandalay Bay. The route is not real pedestrian-friendly, but there are sidewalks the entire way.
Directions to In-N-Out Burger from Mandalay Bay
First things first: take the free Mandalay Bay to Excalibur tram, past the Luxor. You’ll get off at the northernmost, last, stop at the Excalibur station, right near the busy intersection of the 4 large hotels, the New York, New York, the Excalibur, the MGM Grand, and the Tropicana.
The busy street in front of you that crosses the Las Vegas strip and goes East and West is Tropicana Avenue.
You’ll want to go left (west) on Tropicana Avenue, making sure to stay on the Excalibur side of the street, (the south side of the street). And yes, you’ll want to stay on the south side, even though the In-N-Out Burger is on the other side of the street. That’s because the NY NY side of the street doesn’t have sidewalks when you get closer to the bridge over I-15, and as a result, you’ll have to dodge cars. I love In-N-Out Burger as much as the next guy (probably more), but it’s not worth getting run over by a Ford F-150 for (unless you get the shake too).
So you’re on the Excalibur side of Tropicana Street walking west.
(Go here to see the closest In-N-Out Burger to the Venetian and Palazzo)
About 250 feet away, the sidewalk will curve down and south and you start freaking out that it’s leading you astray. Stay on the sidewalk, as it will curve back up towards Tropicana.
Stay on the sidewalk going west, crossing the intersection at the interstate off ramp, and keep walking on the bridge, over the interstate. On the other side of the bridge, you’ll cross another off ramp, and you’ll be so close, you’ll start to smell it (the In-N-Out that is, not the off ramp).
Don’t try crossing Tropicana Avenue, even though it IS shorter. There are usually way too many cars on that road and Las Vegas drivers are insane.
Instead, just keep walking west, another 200 feet the pedestrian crosswalk at Dean Martin Drive. From there, it’s just right in front of you, as you’ll plainly be able to see.
Map of Closest In-N-Out Burger to Mandalay Bay/Delano
Distance from Mandalay Bay to the Nearest In-N-Out Burger
Driving-wise, it’s only 1.3 miles to the nearest In-N-Out Burger from Mandalay Bay. There are three different ways to get there.
Perhaps the easiest, if you’re coming out of the parking garage behind (west) of the hotel, is to take a left (going west) on the first street coming out of the garage. It’s called Mandalay Bay Road, (and the signs read it as well), HOWEVER, it becomes Hacienda Road a few blocks away. Some mapping systems will just refer to it as Hacienda Road, so keep that in mind.
In any case, this road will take you over the Interstate, after which you’ll want to take the second right, which is on Polaris Avenue. Going North on Polaris, you’ll take the first right, which is W. Ali Baba Lane. Take that East all the way to end, which is Dean Martin Drive.
On Dean Martin, you’ll take a left, (going North), just past Tropicana Avenue, where you’ll see the big In-N-Out Burger sign on your right. It’s roughly 1 and ½ miles this way from the Mandalay Bay parking garage, and will take you just five to eight minutes or so.
Route 2
If you’re parked in the parking lot on the South side of the resort, near the Mandalay Bay convention center, you’ll want to take Las Vegas Boulevard (The Strip) North, and drive past the big black Luxor pyramid, taking a left on Tropicana Avenue, which is just past the large white castle on your left, (The Excalibur Hotel and Casino).
From there it’s roughly ½ mile West, (over Interstate 15) to Dean Martin Drive, where you’ll go North (taking a right). You’ll clearly see the In-N-Out sign while over the Interstate, so your stomach will start making noises around then.
Again, this is an approximately 1 and ¼ mile drive and should take you in the six to eight minute range.
Route 3
I always try to avoid Interstates, but this is a pretty quick route if you’re already on the South Side parking lot and don’t mind trying to merge into lanes dominated by speeding 18 wheelers driven by truckers at the tail end of their 14 hour haul.
If you’re already in the Mandalay Bay parking south outside parking lot, just go out on the south side exit and take a right on Russell Road.
Take Russell Road West for about a few hundred feet and take a right, going North on the I-15 on ramp. After about ½ mile, take exit 37, which is the Tropicana Avenue turnoff.
From there, just take a left at the light, going West for a few hundred feet, taking a right on Dean Marin Drive.
In-N-Out Burger on the Strip
There is an In-N-Out Burger at the Linq Promenade on the Strip, however it’s a little over a 2 mile walk from Mandalay Bay (not counting taking trams).
Enjoy your In-N-Out Burger!
(By Steve Beauregard. Photo courtesy of Joe Lin via Flickr.)