Weather in Las Vegas in February: Average Temperature & Highs & Lows

Temperature-wise, February is the third coldest month in Las Vegas, only behind December and January. Yet overall, the month is pretty pleasant, with normal daytime high temperatures ranging from 60 degrees on February 1st, to 66 degrees on February 28th.

But it’s also a month where anything can happen, temperature-wise. Las Vegas has seen February days where it has been 16 degrees Fahrenheit, and days where it has been 87 degrees.

It’s also the wettest month of the year.

You can enjoy a nice walk on the Strip in February
You can enjoy a nice walk on the Strip in February

But considering Las Vegas is in the desert, the term “wettest month” is very relative. Seattle, for example, is roughly six times wetter than Las Vegas in February. (More on that below).

Average temperature in Las Vegas in February

The normal temperature in Las Vegas in February is 52.9 degrees Fahrenheit, or 11.61 Celsius.

The normal daily highs stay in the sixties, ranging from 60 degrees early in the month, to a comfortable 66 degrees during the last three days of February.

(Related: January weather in Las Vegas)

The normal February lows in Las Vegas range from 41 degrees during the first five days of the month, to 47 degrees on the final day of February.

Some other weather facts about Las Vegas weather in February:

Las Vegas High and Low Temperatures in February

The normal daily high temperature in Sin City in February is 62.6 degrees.

Hottest Temperature in February in Las Vegas

The warmest it has ever gotten on a February day in Las Vegas is 87 degrees (30.55 Celsius). This took place on February 26, 1986.

The weather is always perfect in a Las Vegas sports book.
The weather is always perfect in a Las Vegas sports book.

(Related: What is the hottest temperature in Las Vegas history?)

Coldest Temperatures in Las Vegas in February

The normal daily low for Vegas in February is 43.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or 6.44 Celsius.

The lowest, coldest February day in the recorded history of Las Vegas was February 7, 1989, when the temperature fell to 16 degrees.

Precipitation in Las Vegas in February

As I mentioned earlier, February is the wettest month in Las Vegas. The city receives an average of .76 of an inch of precipitation during the month. By contrast, Seattle receives 4.18 inches of precipitation during February.

The wettest February day in the Las Vegas valley’s recorded history took place on February 8, 1993, when the city received 1.29 inches of precipitation, or roughly a quarter of their annual precipitation in just one day!

The precipitation we’re talking about of course is rain, as it hardly ever snows in Las Vegas. But when it does snow, it usually does so in January or February. In fact, February is the second-likeliest month for it to snow in the valley. During one February long ago, 1939, the town received 4.1 inches of snow – still a February record to this day.

However February 2019 was a snowy one in Las Vegas, as the city had 5 days in which there was noticeable snow, tying a February record with 1974 for most snow days in a month. February 21st, 2019 had Las Vegas receiving a half of inch of snow, (much more in outlying areas).

Las Vegas Weather and Temperatures During the Super Bowl

Visitors to one of the many Casinos on the Las Vegas Strip or on Fremont Street downtown will find the weather to be pretty decent for walking around (at least in the daytime.)

The date of the Super Bowl always changes, but it’s held during the first week of February. During that time, the lows of the day (very early in the morning, just before the sun rises), are either 41 or 42 degrees normally, while the highs are normally 60 or 61 degrees.

Washington’s Birthday Weather in Las Vegas

Usually held sometime between February 15th to February 21st, George Washington’s birthday, or President’s Day, sees daytime highs between 62 and 64 degrees, and nighttime lows between 42 and 44 degrees.

Interesting Las Vegas Weather and Other Facts for the Month of February

* The windiest February day in Las Vegas history was February 19, 1976, when the city experienced a wind gust of 73 m.p.h.

* In terms of sheer number of visitors, February is the second slowest month of the year in Las Vegas, only behind December. However a big part of this is due to the fact that in most years, February has 10% fewer days than some other months, (28 days versus 30 or 31 for the others).

* In terms of hotel occupancy rates, February is actually just the 4th slowest month in Las Vegas.

* Despite the shorter month however, February is Las Vegas’ 4th busiest month of the year in terms of gaming revenue. Undoubtedly this is due to heavy Super Bowl betting.

* Each February, approximately 3.1 million tourists visit Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Visitors and Convention Bureau calculates the month’s hotel occupancy rate to be 87.7%.

* For hotels on the Strip, the occupancy rate is 87.2%. The hotels on Fremont Street in Las Vegas, on the other hand, have a February occupancy rate of 75.4%.

* Convention-wise, February is the 3rd busiest month of the year in Sin City, with nearly 2,000 different conventions and meetings held during the month. This equates to nearly a half a million convention-goers.

* The big conventions in February include the World of Concrete, held in early February each year. This trade show brings in approximately 48,000 visitors to town. The other big one is the Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society convention, which brings in another 30,000 guests.

(By Steve Beauregard. Photos courtesy of Jack Miller, and kennejima via Flickr).